Fluffy Dance - Always traveling around-" is picked for BMI composers workshop's annual showcase concert on June 27th.

I am very happy and honored to announce that one of my newest tunes "Fluffy Dance - Always traveling around-" is picked for BMI composers workshop's annual showcase concert on June 27th. You'll hear 8 other great and new pieces from these wonderful composers. Please stop by if you are in town!

【お知らせ】いいニュースです。私の最新作のひとつ「Fluffy Dance - Always traveling around-」が、参加しているBMIコンポーザーズ・ワークショップのshowcaseコンサート※で演奏される8曲の中に選ばれました。※こんな新しい楽曲が今年NYで生まれましたよ〜、こんなワークショップですよ〜というのを披露するコンサート。もし6/27金にNYにいらっしゃったら、ぜひ会場へお越し下さい。一般の方と音楽をシェアするという目的のコンサートなので、無料なんです。詳しくはこちら

BMI Jazz Composers Workshop Summer Showcase Concert
June 27th, Fri.
At Christ-St. Stephens Church (120 W. 69th St., NYC)
7:30 p.m. and is FREE to the public.
The BMI/NY Jazz Orchestra will be playing new music by Erica Seguine, Migiwa Miyajima, Anna Webber, Tom Erickson, Scott Ninmer, Earl MacDonald, Ann Belmont, Scott Reeves, and Miho Hazama

One thing which made me so happy is that there are two Japanese women in 8 ... I and Miho Hazama, we both studied with Mr. Jim McNeely! This news will be on two different Japanese news paper, which will be issued next week. Go Japanese girls! 

My note for the piece ...
Fluffy Dance - Always traveling around-
When you leave home to explore the world, you gain the freedom to define yourself anew. This freedom can be both exhilarating and unsettling. "What defines my identity, where I'm from or where I'm going?" This piece expresses both the excitement and the unease inherent in this question.

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